my blogs

remember those bursts of excitement you get when you finally understand that concept or doubt you have been struggling with? Well, I write them here lest I lose the clarity again. Do read and comment if you found it helpful!

3. Explaining Git to a 10-year old!

12th February, 2021

I literally used to leave the space where my colleages would talk anything related to Git, so that I could escape the embarrasment. I tried learning it few times only to get scared of it even more at the end. I won't let the same happen to you if have somehow landed on this webpage! Go ahead and read this blog to learn it enough to get started with. I promise, you would love (read bookmark) it! 😊

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2. Why I got rejected and what I learned from it...!

18th January, 2021

Well, we all face rejections in life. And the reason why they come is solely to tell us that we need to learn something which we are ignoring since a long time. This rejection was filled with life lessons for me and I am glad that I got rejected so early in life, because with the early rejection I received the wisdom early as well. Please do read this blog, if you are beginner, and are aspiring to get into a product based comapany, but are unaware of the kind of descipline that's not just expected from you, but is pre-assumed that you have them all from the very first day you decided about joining the Tech Industry.

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1. Markdown-101 for absolute beginners!

26th November, 2020

If you haven't heard of Markdown before, you will be surprised to know that if not for Markdown, you would not have been able to bold or italic phrases in you WhatsApp messages. Thrilled? It takes only 5 mins to learn it and get going. Do read it! 😊

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